👑 HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE! With their latest record project, ‘THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT’ Taylor Swift officially spends its twelfth consecutive week at #1 on the Billboard 200 with over 163K units sold.

👑 HISTORY HAS BEEN MADE! With their latest record project, ‘THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT’ Taylor Swift officially spends its twelfth consecutive week at #1 on the Billboard 200 with over 163K units sold.
— It becomes his album with the most weeks at the top of the chart surpassing ‘Fearless’ and ‘1989’ (11).
— Achieves a new female record by getting the first album in HISTORY to spend her first 12 weeks at #1, surpassing Whitney Houston.
#taylorswift #thetorturedpoetsdeparment