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Kate wrote her entire cancer battle speech ‘by herself, very quickly’: Princess of Wales wanted to ‘quell further gossip and health speculation’ and felt it was her duty to open up and reassure the public



The friend told The Sunday Times: ‘It wasn’t really about the drama of the last few weeks, though obviously that has been upsetting. She felt she had to do it because of who she is. It was more that she knows she is a public figure and has a wider leadership responsibility.

‘It was all her, she wrote every word of it, it came together very quickly.’

The friend added that the speech allowed the Princess to reach out to a supporting public who did not subscribe to the gossip and conspiracy theories.

Kate also favoured revealing the news through a video message over a more ‘jarring’ written statement as it would be a more reassuring way to deliver the shocking news.

This comes after the Prince and Princess of Wales thanked the public on Saturday night for an overwhelming deluge of love and sympathy which greeted Friday’s announcement, adding that they were ‘extremely moved’ by the support.

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