In a groundbreaking shift for daytime television, ABC has announced that conservative commentator Candace Owens will helm a new morning show, set to replace the long-running...
Captain Ian Farquhar, who was a close friend of the king, has died. He was 78 years old Ian had known the King and Queen Camilla...
No, I don’t think that was her plan. Meghan’s plan was much more ambitious and fantastical. Oh, yes she would return to California alright but as...
The absence of the Duchess of Sussex in the UK has been compounded for Prince Harry by his feud with the Prince and Princess of Wales...
A royal specialist has revealed that the Duchess of Sussex is perplexed as to why the public does not adore and respect her work. Earlier t…...
Meghan Markle reportedly finds her sister in law Kate Middleton to be an incredibly poisonous person. Royal author Tom Quinn made these revelations public during one...
The Royal Family might be short on working members – but despite the depleted numbers there appears to be no way back for Prince Harry. King...
Prince Harry Decided To Speak Out, Stop Attacking Meghan Because She is A Talented Person, Let Her Make A Living In Peace Volume II of Netflix’s...
Princess Anne has reportedly intervened to shield King Charles from what could have been an awkward situation involving Meghan Markle, the … Princess Anne has reportedly...
Prince William and Kate Middleton have leveled up their social media game in the past few years to keep up with the trends, but one of...