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Celine Dion Throws Insults At Meghan During Speech At NHL Draft 2024: CALLING MEGHAN A YACHT STAR



The normally poised and gracious Celine Dion stunned attendees at the 2024 NHL draft with a venomous off-the-cuff tirade against Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Dion, who was on hand to present one of the early round draft picks, went dangerously off-script during her time on stage, launching into a scathing verbal assault on Meghan that left many in the audience slack-jawed.

Itall started innocuously enough with Dion taking the stage to polite applause from the crowd. She began by delivering the standard pleasantries, welcoming everyone to the event and expressing excitement about introducing the next up-and-coming hockey star about to have his dreams realized. But then, without warning, Dion’s demeanor suddenly shifted. Her warm smile morphed into a fierce scowl, and her voice took on a sharp, accusatory tone.

Celine Dion Throws Insults At Meghan During Speech At NHL Draft 2024: CALLING MEGHAN A YACHT STAR

Celine Dion Throws Insults At Meghan During Speech At NHL Draft 2024: CALLING MEGHAN A YACHT STAR

Before I get to announcing our next draft pick, there’s something I need to get off my chest,” she proclaimed. The audience, sensing something was amiss, fell into an uneasy silence as Dion paused, glaring intensely at the cameras trained on her.

Then she unleashed her words, dripping with venom. “I’ve had it up to here with this so-called Duchess Meghan Markle and her phony self-aggrandizing act,” Dion spat. “That woman is nothing but a two-bit yacht girl who’s managed to snooker her way into royalty, and I, for one, am sick of the way she soaks up all the attention and glamour while make-believing she’s some kind of humanitarian saint.”

The Crowd’s Reaction
The crowd erupted into shocked murmurs, with many people shooting bewildered glances at one another. Dion, unfazed, continued her tirade. “All Meghan cares about is basking in the spotlight and finding new ways to make herself the center of attention. She trots out her charity work as some kind of moral shield, but we all know the real reason she does it is to cultivate her image as this paragon of virtue,”

Dion sneered, practically spitting out the last few words. “Well, let me tell you something. I’ve seen right through her act. Meghan Markle is nothing but a vapid, self-serving social climber who’s willing to step all over anyone to get what she wants. She uses her so-called activism as a smokescreen to distract from the fact that she’s nothing more than a glorified Instagram influencer who married into royalty.”

The shocked murmurs in the audience had now given way to an ominous silence as everyone present struggled to process Dion’s unexpected and uncharacteristically harsh words.

Many in the crowd exchanged wide-eyed, uncomfortable glances, wondering if this was all some sort of bizarre staged bit. But Dion was just getting warmed up. Leaning into the microphone, she continued her takedown of the Duchess of Sussex.

Dion’s Continued Attack

Celine Dion Throws Insults At Meghan During Speech At NHL Draft 2024: CALLING MEGHAN A YACHT STAR

Celine Dion Throws Insults At Meghan During Speech At NHL Draft 2024: CALLING MEGHAN A YACHT STAR

“And you know what really gets under my skin? The way Meghan is always prattling on about her truth and how she’s the real victim in all of this. Spare me the crocodile tears, lady. We all know you’re the one who’s been playing the victim card to the hilt to deflect from your own shady behavior,” Dion paused again, her lips curling into a contemptuous sneer.

“You want to know the truth? The real truth is that Meghan Markle is nothing but a shameless social climber who sold her soul to get where she is today. She’ll happily walk all over anyone who gets in her way, including her own family, all so she can keep basking in the spotlight and surrounding herself with yes men who are happy to prop up her inflated ego.”

At this point, the audience had descended into a stunned silence, with jaws hanging open in disbelief. A palpable tension hung in the air as everyone present struggled to process Dion’s venomous diatribe. But the Canadian songstress wasn’t finished. Leaning in even closer to the microphone, she fixed the cameras with a withering glare and uttered her parting shot. “So let me be clear. I have zero respect for Meghan Markle and the phony self-aggrandizing act she’s been putting on. She’s a fraud, plain and simple, and the sooner the world wakes up to that fact, the better. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the draft.”

With that, Dion dropped the microphone and stormed off the stage, leaving the bewildered crowd in her wake. In the minutes and hours that followed, the video of her shocking tirade quickly went viral, sparking a firestorm of reactions and debate across social media. Some praised Dion for her candor and willingness to call out Meghan Markle, while others condemned the singer’s words as cruel and unwarranted. Royal watchers were left scratching their heads, wondering what could have possibly provoked such an intense and unexpected outburst.

Meghan Markle’s Response
For her part, Meghan Markle remained conspicuously silent on the matter, choosing not to dignify Dion’s comments with a response. But the damage had been done. Celine Dion’s excoriating broadside had undoubtedly left a mark, provoking a polarized reaction that is sure to reverberate for some time to come.

As for the NHL draft itself, the proceedings continued on in an atmosphere of palpable awkwardness, with many in attendance no doubt struggling to focus on the task at hand in the wake of Dion’s jaw-dropping performance. It was certainly a moment that will go down as one of the more bizarre and memorable in the annals of professional sports history.

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