Once hailed as the couple breaking royal traditions and redefining modern monarchy, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle now find themselves at the center of a dramatic shift in public sentiment. A recent scathing critique published by a leading U.S. celebrity magazine has sparked heated discussions, raising the question: Is America finally falling out of love with the Sussexes, just as Britain did?…😱👇

Once hailed as the couple breaking royal traditions and redefining modern monarchy, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle now find themselves at the center of a dramatic shift in public sentiment. A recent scathing critique published by a leading U.S. celebrity magazine has sparked heated discussions, raising the question: Is America finally falling out of love with the Sussexes, just as Britain did
Palace & Prejudice screamed the headline on a highly provocative article about the alleged racism at the heart of Britain and its monarchy in the May 2018 edition of Vanity Fair magazine – the month that Harry married Meghan.
Written by Aatish Taseer, a writer promoted as a royal expert because he once went out with Lady Gabriella Windsor, it astonishingly claimed that ‘the British are perfectly happy to deal with people of colour who know their place; it is the “uppity w**,” or “P***,” who arouses in them an animal hatred’.
The rest of the glossy magazine’s issue, largely devoted to the smiling royal couple on its front cover, was in a similar – if less rabid – vein: how Meghan was a breath of fresh air in a horribly reactionary family and country, and how, the ‘American Princess’ – to quote the headline on a gushing profile – ‘with her Hollywood upbringing, humanitarian impulse, and strong sense of self … already shines in the spotlight’.
Vanity Fair – a title that a former editor once told me has a commercial imperative to write puffery about celebrities because it relies on them to pose for its front covers – would continue in much the same fawning vein in subsequent years. It has consistently taken the Sussexes’ side under its current editor, Radhika Jones, who, just like Meghan, had broken new ground as the first person of colour to be given the prestigious job.
However, now – in a significant volte face – Vanity Fair has royally changed its mind about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.